May 30, 2011

Roller Coaster

The 4 jump in Roller coaster (lower section) was repaired today and that concludes the trail repairs after this “special” winter with all the drain pipes, freezing up with ice creating a lot of trouble for us.
Parking an 13,5 ton excavator on the top of a jump, is a good reminder why everything takes so much time with this trail…
Everything in it is huge!

Buldre trail

With water digging out the whole trail from the road and down to the steep section, it took some elbow grease to get the trail back into shape.
Getting a bit creative we put in a mini-double, next to the hip. The double roller before the got a bit bigger as well…

Moe`town is ready!

Gjørid is driving out the last branches after cleaning up the mid-section of Moe`town.
Saturday we got done with the excavator, and now we just need some sunny days to make it dry up.


Axel is making new platforms at the bike wash making it easier to clean the bikes after a day of shredding.
We have also been doing some change to the pipe work, making sure we get better and more even water pressure this year.

May 28, 2011

Done with restoring Moe`town !!!

After sorting so much rocks that i see rocks when i close my eyes... I finally finished rebuilding the mid-section of Moe ‘town.

Drop zone

The landing in drop zone got some TLC from Jørgen, picture is not doing the smoothness any justice...

May 25, 2011

Lunch time and some dirt

Takes some dirt to get good`old Buldre ready...

Alex ,James and Snorre n`joying lunch in the Buldre trail...

Dirt jumps

The runin at det dirt jumps are built up and just need som TLC from Makkan and his crew...

In the right direction

Finally things start to look a little bit better, Moe`town is slowly getting ready for the opening.

May 20, 2011

More fun in the Buldre trail, for the Hafjell trail crew

In the section just after Drop zone, the water has been doing at bit of damage. The frozen water pipe did not help us so much when the melt water came all at once…
An extra excavator will be here after the weekend...

Last stubborn snow

The switch backs coming out of Råbølstien, (Step rock section in the Europenan Champs trail) needed som TLC...

James and Johannes checking out last reminds of winter at the top of Brattlykja.

Dirt jumps

With new member on the team, YT and Adidas rider Makken in charge -the dirt jumps is getting reshaped with some tweaks and new jumps lifting the riding even more.

New working horse

We had to retire our dear "Big Boss" ATV that was serving us well the last decade.
This is the new working horse that will sweat, helping us making the riding in Hafjell better for all of you :-)

May 16, 2011

A "litte bit" of trail work before the opening...

The snow melting after winter was not treating our trails so well...
Moe`town got it big time and the tranny on the 4 jump in Roller Coaster got washed out. In some sections it is obvious that the winter will not give up without a fight. We already started shoveling out the last snow and on the 18th of may we will start working on the trail with the excavators. We open 4th of june