Jul 30, 2009

X-training in Hafjell

2009 Skeleton World Champion Gregor Stahli and current Olympic Skeleton Champion Maya Pedersen Bieri spent two days in Hafjell doing jumps and big berms (like in the bobsleigh tracks), training in preperation for the upcoming Winter Olympics in Whistler.

Youngest rider so far

This is Janis. Eight years old, from Switserland. He has some awesome bike skils and spent two days riding in Hafjell Bike Park.

Jul 26, 2009

Jul 19, 2009

A nice way to end a good day.

Even more pic`s

More volunteer day...

Volunteer day

Friday we had the seasons second volunteer day. 40 riders showed up and did an awsom job. You can ride New School all the way down to the dirt road now. We rode it saturday and it was awsome! Well done everyone!
Roller Coaster was also raked and made ready for pre-opening saturday.
1200 meters with 20 jumps was a great way to start the day saturday morning!

Jul 15, 2009

New step down

At the start of the section we are working on now, we couldn't resist, and just had to make a new step down. Mother nature just needed a littel bit of help...

Getting close...

We are getting closer to the first pre opening of Roller Coaster. The first part that will open is from Døldaveien (the road runneing across the Bike Park)and all the way down to were it meets Parkløypa.

Secret training

Det Bolstad Mafia getting som training done before Hafjell Scott Cup in the NM trail.

Jul 9, 2009

ADOT Big hits

-And this was the small jump.

ADOT, Big hits

Vanderham goes big at the 16 meter jump

Trond going big at the 10 meter jump.


Race Boy Martin... Check out the goggels.

Timo getting the tap on the shoulder.


The race relay was good funn. Go North Amerika!



The invited had chill day on monday.


The snowboard park was rebuilt into the "Thunder jumps".

Awsom week

ANTI Days of Thunder just ended. It was just amasing. We have been on it 24/7 and the blog have been suffering...